You’d better…

Bryn, I have been generally happy with smile. Since online is the only place you get to do things with them they tend to have it all worked out. The only thing I dislike about their web interface is that they make the back button log you out “for security reasons”, but at least you can do everything you need to do in a fairly sane manner.

I should say that last month they tried to charge me £20.53 for something I don’t think they should have charged me for. It’s a long and not very interesting story so I won’t go into it, all I will say is I have no time for people who complain about their overdraft charges and there was more to it than that! Anyway I complained in an online message and they removed it.

Being a treehugger, the Co-op’s ethical policy also appeals to me.

Oh, but if we’re on the subject of how not to do things, I’d been trying to use the “e-banking” feature of my new Abbey business account since last Friday, and after putting in my login details I would get a page that said this every time:

ANIB JSP Diagnostic Page

to : from (localhost) (host )

bean error not found within scope

Content Length:
Content Type:
Remote User:

The site had also been occasionally displaying “temporary error” messages over the weekend so I left it until this week thinking they were having problems. After trying again on Tuesday and having the same message, and also confirming with another Abbey user that they could log in to theirs, I decided to call them and ask wtf.

The answer is that they have not yet received my security information that I posted back last week, so I havent yet been “setup on the system”. Was I supposed to deduce that from “bean error not found within scope”?

7 thoughts on “You’d better…

  1. Hi Andy,

    I came across this posting after googling “ANIB JSP Diagnostic Page” – I am receiving the exact same error as you describe above when I try to log onto my Abbey business account. It has been around two weeks since I returned the form detailing my security information, so maybe something is amiss. May I ask how long after returning your form it was before you were able to access your account online? Did you have to do anything to resolve the problem?

    Many Thanks for your reply

  2. Hi Dominic,

    I waited and waited but it never got sorted out. In the end I had to ring them and they insisted I fax them my security details again. I did this. Two more times. They lost them every time.

    In the end after 3 weeks of no access I demanded they set it over the phone. They still got my mother’s maiden name wrong so if that security question comes up I have to reload. I’d rather do that than have to deal with the simians from Abbey again.

    I think you’re going to have to phone them. Good luck.

  3. Oh. My. God.

    Thank You so much for your quick reply, although I wish it wasn’t so depressing! I don’t think I helped myself by failing to keep a copy of the security information form – I’ve just requested a new one and was intending to return it to Abbey by fax, in line with what they suggested to both of us. However, reading of your experience, I have the mind to phone them up again and demand that they set up my online access over the phone. What an (ongoing) struggle! :p

  4. I’ve just been told after the 5th or 6th phone call that the ANIB JSP diagnostic page comes up when you haven’t got a card linked to the online account.
    As soon as they order one for you, you can login!

    There appears to be only 1 Abbey employee who knows this though!!

  5. Hi Guys n Gals,

    I am able to log into my account now, but the only security question that I can (apparently) get right, is my mother’s maiden name! I lodged a formal complaint about the whole affair, but really, the service is pretty crappy even at the best of times!

    For example, I was told by a customer services chappie that it is a KNOWN problem that you can’t set up a new payee and pay an amount to that payee at the same time?!? Also, the payee system is unavailable for ‘an hour or so’ after 16.30 every day because the system is ‘dealing with the days payments’ before the close of business?!? And of course, the website is badly designed and difficult to navigate.

    But its free, that’s why we get the crappiness I suppose.


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