initrds suck ass

Do initrds have any use at all apart from:

  • Distribution kernels where the packager has no idea what hardware the kernel will need to run on
  • Kernels intended to work on a large variety of machines without modification (really just another variant of the above use)
  • Unusual setups like running your root filesystem inside a filesystem that needs commands to be run to set it up

I personally fucking hate initrds. The process to generate them seems so fiddly, it is fraught with potential pitfalls, and that’s exactly the kind of lottery I do not need when we’re talking about rebooting machines I rely on.

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My First Blog™

So I’ve installed my first ever blog. What has this accomplished so far? Not a lot, however I am impressed by:

  • The swishness of the AJAX-powered editing window, with its resize and raw HTML editing, etc.
  • The overall speed and cleanliness of the WordPress interface

Yes, WordPress is very impressive. And Free! For the very briefest of moments I considered just signing up at blogspot or something, but I quickly came to my senses – if this is worth doing then it’s worth doing well!

Continue reading “My First Blog™”