OpenLDAP and md5crypt

I’ve got some machines which authenticate their local users against OpenLDAP, and I wanted to reset some passwords from a Perl script.

First I tried just calling modify from Net::LDAP. That worked but just set the new password as plain text. My passwords appear to be “md5crypt”, and normally look like this:


I could come up with some code to create the correct hash on the machine where I was running the Perl script, but I really wanted the LDAP server to do it for me, for consistency.

A little bit of searching revealed Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword, so I gave that a go. Well, that was progress, but it set MD5 passwords. They look like this:


Why did it just decide to use MD5? The answer’s in the OpenLDAP FAQ. password-hash was indeed set to {md5} on the server.

Right, OK, so set password-hash to {md5crypt} then? No! It does not accept that value. It does accept {crypt}, but that ends up like:


It seems to have the right hash type ({CRYPT}) but it’s much shorter. It’s the POSIX crypt(3) based on DES. Not quite what I wanted.

The eventual answer was found in the archives of the openldap-software mailing list from almost 8 years ago! So once slapd.conf contained:

password-hash  {CRYPT}
password-crypt-salt-format "$1$%.8s"

the correct password hash was generated.

How did I know about the “.8” bit? In an md5crypt hash, the characters between the $1$ and the next $ are the salt, and there’s 8 of them, so that’s why .8s.

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