Moving on, moving up

I think I can finally say that I’ve finished working at Aspective and will be starting my new job at Venda on Monday 13th of March!

I’d been seriously looking for a new job since the start of January and had been generally unhappy since at least the last quarter of 2005. But I had thought it best not to rant about it in public too much for fear of getting really worked up and saying things I either didn’t mean, or would regret, or both.

Even now, when I’m out the door at Aspective and ready to start at the new place I think it’s best not to dwell on the negatives but instead to talk about some of the high points.

Overall there were many good times at Aspective; I don’t think I have ever learnt so much or grown so much in my abilities in such a short space of time. I’ve said it several times now: I truly believe that I’ve worked with some of the top people in the industry. These are people that I’ll never forget and I hope we’ll still keep in touch.

I was only at Aspective for just shy of 18 months but I feel that throughout the rest of my life all other jobs will be benchmarked against my time at Aspective.

As for the new role, I’m very excited. Although a month is a relatively short time in which to go out looking for a new job and then get it all signed and sealed, it wasn’t a hasty decision.

I interviewed at four places; Google Dublin, Rackspace, RIM (aka Blackberry) and Venda, and out of all of them it’s Venda I was most captivated with. It’s going to be a little more difficult commuting into Central London, the hours are slightly longer and the side benefits not quite as good, but I’ve spent many hours talking to these guys and they’ve managed to sell it to me!

Not only does it work out well financially, but in terms of my career too, and most importantly the projects that I will be working on really capture my interest.

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