Twitter/Why unfollowed

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Why I may have unfollowed you on Twitter

Retweeting competition links

A depressing trend on Twitter is for companies use Twitter retweets in the guise of a lottery in order to launch marketing campaigns that fake grass-roots support for their product and just get their message out there. I'm sure you've seen them:

Win a year's supply of Our Tea! Simply retweet this!
—Tea Company

This is just spam. I don't give a shit if someone wants to win a year's supply of tea or whatever (and yes! I 'have' been spammed with tweets for entering a competition to win a year's supply of tea). If the company told someone to email the same thing to everyone in their email address book then most people would rightly reject that idea as offensive. Yet somehow because it's Twitter they see fit to spread this rubbish.

It tells me nothing about what they actually think or believe in, which is why I followed them. It's purely selfish.

First time offenders will have retweets disabled in Twitter. Twitter seems buggy on this though and sometimes lets retweets through anyway. Also some competitions ask you to manually tweet a message. In these cases it will be unfollow time.