Freecycle as a dating service?

After discussing the following Freecycle ad on IRC:

Hi all. me and my chilren are moving to an unfurnished home and we need pretty much everything like sofas 2 two seaters colour unimportant. microwave, tv unit, small tv for my daughters bedroom and everything would be well appreicated so please contact me if you have any of these on your list to clear out. many thanks and kind regards

I want to know, has anyone dated anyone they met from Freecycle? Feel free to tell me in confidence if you don’t want to be identified!

Update: Just to clarify, I am not suggesting that this ad in any way presents itself as looking for dates. The conversation that followed me mentioning it on IRC did, however, contain a suggestion that someone who was interested in meeting single mothers might find Freecycle a good place to do it. And I am interested to know if anyone has ever had a relationship with someone they first met from Freecycle.